I’am Ivan Zhao

For man is man and master of his fate.

  • Gender : Male
  • Stay : Shanghai,China
  • Blood : AB
  • Birthday : 1982
  1. v1
  2. v2
  3. v3
What can I do ?
I use the Softwear
  • Aperture
  • Numbers
  • Pages
  • Keynote
  • Axure
  • Swift 3D
  • Word
  • PowerPoint
  • Excel
  • Pixelmator
  • Final Cut Pro
  • After Effects
  • Dreamweaver
  • Fireworks
  • Flash
  • Illustrator
  • Photoshop
  • Premiere Pro
xHTML / CSS / Javascript / Action Script / XML / ASP / VBscript / SQL
  • Yangche51.com ( China ) - Shanghai China
    Design Dept. Manager
    October 2011 - Present
    With the continued development and growth of the Gasgoo in 2011 made ​​an important decision, and full access to the BtoC field. Original work, taking into account the duties and responsibilities of a new design department.

    Visual experience and user experience, as well as part of the product design is responsible for keeping a car for grief network. Many product concept and design is a breakthrough in the industry does not exist, a lot of challenges to bring their own.
  • Gasgoo ( China ) - Shanghai China
    Design Dept. Manager
    January 2010 - Present
    Responsible for all product lines Gasgoo online design work, which also includes the promotion of products on the line after maintenance design work.

    Positioning and product user experience which need to be fully involved in the development of new products for the visual aspects of the product. Led BtoB product line revision SNS product line revision, IM product design.Is equally important for the construction of the design team for the company to bring fresh blood, the team with the ability to continuously innovate.
  • Zisha Teapot Home ( China ) - Shanghai China
    Design Director
    June 2008 - September 2009
    Vision for the site location.

    Tailor-made for the site style web site in Chinese culture,And also the design and production of a video effect sites.

    Is responsible for web-related print design, including business cards, magazine, advertising posters, envelopes, etc.
  • Wisepeer ( Korea ) - Shenyang China
    Design Supervisor
    June 2007 - June 2008
    For the company’s PtoP software design and production of a good user experience, interface, and software promotion web site and printed materials.

    The use of W3C standards to design and produce music portal,collaborative PHP programmer to develop websites.
  • Switch Media ( Australia ) - Shenyang China
    Senior Designer/Front-end WEB Developer
    November 2002 - June 2007
    Create original art and graphic layout of content. perform technical coding, review and testing;

    work closely with senior executives to conceptualize, design and launch Internet/intranet sites furthering company goals

    In addition also is responsible for the FLASH animation, FLASH website design and the manufacture. At the some time also steps in VI design.
  • LeiFeng.com ( China ) - Fushun China
    Senior Designer/User Experience Design
    November 2001 - November 2002
    Conceptualizing and designing of client’s website. Liaise with client on their web related issue.

    Perform routine maintenance for Genrad-In Circuit and Functional tester. Monitor and modify tester and the test program to ensure minimal downtime.

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